
Hi ! My name is Jeremy BEAUME, I’m a french freelance cybersecurity expert, penetration tester, reverse engineer and trainer. You’ll find on this website various ressources regarding my work, tutorials, blog posts and personnal researchs projects.

My experience

I have been working in cybersecurity for 7 years now, mostly as a penetration tester.

I have been working in the following topics :
* Penetration testing : ranging from the classic web application to mobile applications, heavy desktop clients, internal networks, industrial applications, …
* Technical audits : code, architecture, configuration audits on various equipments.
* Security product evaluation for the french agency (ANSSI, CSPN evaluations, subject of the Common Criteria).
* Reverse engineering and malware analysis : I reversed APT samples, and more classical ones. Reports I wrote can be found on the gatewatcher blog for RecordBreaker, Lyceum and Agent Tesla.

You can download my full pdf CV here.

Services I can provide

As a freelance, I can provide short or long term assistance with the following types of missions :

  • Technical audits (penetration testing, configuration, architecture, code)
  • Red team
  • Organisational audits (ISO 27002)
  • Reverse engineering and malware analysis
  • Training in any of those subjects

You can contact me at jeremy [dot] beaume (at) protonmail [dot] com, I’ll be happy to discuss with you chat help and services I can provide to suit your needs !